National Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Movement towards Affordable and Natural habitat Awards (NEERMAN)
India’s building stock is expected to double in the next 15 years and buildings are expected to emerge as the largest electricity consuming sector in the country. The residential and commercial buildings accounts for 31% of the electricity consumption and is rising at 10-12% annually. Population growth combined with increasing electricity demand and affordability for thermal comforts (by using air-conditioners) are expected to exponentially increase the energy consumption in buildings. NITI Aayog, a premier think-tank of the Government of India, estimate 6-10 times increase in electricity demand in commercial buildings and 4-10 times increase in residential buildings during 2012 to 2047. It is crucial that the new buildings in the country are designed to be energy efficient and thermally comfortable.
In this context, BEE hosted the first National Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Movement towards Affordable and Natural habitat (NEERMAN) Awards. NEERMAN Awards for Energy Efficient Building Design in India are being constituted with the objective to acknowledge and encourage exemplary building designs complying with BEE’s Energy Conservation Building Codes. The awards were well designed, offered transparency, and were objective and rigorous. They are conducted to ensure continuous momentum, scaling uptake of ECBC, 2017 (for commercial buildings) and Eco-Niwas Samhita 2018 (for residential buildings) and to address the larger picture of energy efficiency and thermal comfort. The NEERMAN Awards was a part of the annual BEE International Conference-ANGAN 2022 which was held from September 14-16, 2022.